Radar Five Media starts 2014 with a new design for Mr Andreas Grießer, who with his company Internet projects implemented and coordinated.

The task was to find a suitable one Logo to develop for Mr. Grießer.

The basic idea was to have one Circle as a central element to work. Around this circle should “satellite” circle, which should represent the various sub-areas of the service spectrum.

After the creative preparatory work, we decided to give the logo a personal touch. Mr. Grießer's star sign plays a decisive role here.

Since Mr. Grießer from Zodiac sign an Aquarius is, we have the Star constellation took a closer look and all the elements of the logo in one place Detail section get oriented.

This allowed us to build a very close connection between the elements and their positioning in the layout.

You can see the result here:

andreas griesser logo_final